Links to AU-EU innovation initatives


Dashboard of Initiatives of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda

A “living inventory” of projects

The Dashboard of Initiatives represents a “living inventory” of projects, programmes, partnerships and scholarships officially recognised as contributing to the implementation of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda. The aim of the Dashboard is to align as many initiatives as possible underneath the respective actions of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda to whose implementation they are contributing, with the purpose of foster collaborations, leverage complementarities and catalyse synergies among initiatives with affinities in scope aligned under the same action.



The New Dashboard of Initiatives of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda

“Turning ideas into opportunities” – The “story map” 

An assessment of AU-EU FNSSA projects based on their innovation and business potential


Website on the “story map” on the assessment of Research and Innovation (R&I) projects pertaining to the African Union ⁠⁠⁠(AU) – European Union (EU) R&I Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA), based on their innovation and business potential. The story describes how the AU and the EU aim to unlock and scale up the most promising projects as part of the implementation of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda, to enable these R&I ventures to deliver tangible products, services, business and employment opportunities, in Africa and Europe.



AU-EU Innovation Agenda


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